Sure,  occasionally it can be a good idea to think about what might happen and I might then take actions so that what I worry about do not happen. The problem is if I get stuck in worry: I do not sleep because I’m worried, and / or it takes my focus and my energy. […]

When I have difficult talks, it is a great advantage if I am open inwards. Then I have a greater opportunity to be in contact and to create an authentic encounter that creates growth in both me and the other. This is especially important when working with feedback.

  Being ”afraidbrave” means that my fear is an asset when I take healthy calculated risks. To leave my comfort zone, I need to use my ”fearcourage”. It could be to ask for feedback or give feedback that is not so pleasant to hear, it may take up something sensitive with someone, etc. Are we afraidbrave w

Where is your focus? Keep in mind that if something/someone is bothering you, it can be an aspect of yourself! For example if you get annoyed because someone else always claims to know best , it can be helpful to ask yourself, ”Am I also a bit like that?”. If someone has done something to you that you are bothered about

In a way, one might think that the word ”holistic approach” is a cliché, on the other hand, it is important to see the importance of wholeness. At work and life as a whole. Many times when I’m inside an organization I often see people focusing on one’s own good or the department/function best. One breaks [&hellip