We influence and are influenced by each other. Both the positive and less positive ways. We learn from each other. We developed by each other. We inspire each other. We show paths for each other. We are enriched by each other. Tell colleagues, friends, family and others to another, primarily how we influenced in a […]

  Vi påverkar och påverkas av varandra. Både på positiva och mindre positiva sätt. Vi lär oss av varandra. Vi utvecklas av varandra. Vi inspireras av varandra. Vi lär varandra. Vi visar vägar för varandra. Vi berikas av varandra. Vi bär med oss varandra. Berätta för kollegor, vänner, familj och andra för varandra, i fö

Welcome… Sure, you could think about then. Dwell on the past. Put your hope in the future. Worry about tomorrow. But spending a large part of your life there. Far from reality. Drains your soul. Welcome to step into the present. To live life. Stefan Gunnarsson

Feedback is a powerful tool. It can be used to show appreciation and help the receiver grow (and as a giver you will likely grow too). Or it can be used as an excuse for hurting people… Compassion or a lack of compassion makes all the difference. You have relevant data for giving feedback. You […]